About Us

A little about LUSQ

Brick vs paper

LUSQ is a unique digital service that is the first on the market to allow you to buy investment apartments completely online. We take care of everything and you just collect a guaranteed return to your account every month. The service combines the founder's extensive experience in real estate, law, finance and digital services. We bring our clients a simple online path to guaranteed appreciation of their finances.

LUSQs ranks include experienced Czech entrepreneurs and experts in a number of fields. They bring digitalization to traditional sectors such as finance or real estate.


Czechs prefer brick to paper

Czechs want the brick. Although today it is fashionable to invest in real estate through securities, at LUSQ we believe that the customer prefers the actual ownership of an apartment over a real estate fund or a bond. In a crisis, paper can lose its value altogether. A brick will remain a brick.

You have heard that you can't buy an apartment online? Haha..

You can buy a vacation trip, a TV set, and now even Tesla online. So why not an apartment? You select, add to cart, pay and the apartment is yours. Who's got time to go see places these days? Who would rather spend time with a lawyer than in the garden? A rental apartment is a commodity like any other.

An investment apartment is great when you don't have to worry about anything

Many would like to invest in bricks. But when they imagine what it takes to find such an apartment, to buy it safely, to get a loan, to renovate it, to manage it, to rent it out, to keep track of payments, to attend meetings of the housing association, they change their minds and prefer to buy securities again. LUSQ handles everything from A to Z. You don't have to go anywhere, you don't have to solve anything. You pay down the money and every month money arrives in your bank account.

In simplicity

How LUSQ works?


LUSQ logo
Whole apartment

Choosing an apartment unit




LUSQ logo
Residential cooperative

Without proof of income

No age restrictions

Purchase of individuals / legal entities

LUSQ financing

Yield guarantee


LUSQ Apartment

Yield guarantee


LUSQ logo
Apartment rental

Care of tenants


Collection of rent


LUSQ logo

Choosing an apartment unit




LUSQ logo
Residential cooperative

Without proof of income

No age restrictions

Purchase of individuals / legal entities

LUSQ Apartment

Yield guarantee


(Up to 10 investors per apartment)


LUSQ logo
Apartment rental

Care of tenants


Collection of rent

You can rely on us

Our team

Pavel Kroha

For over 20 years he has worked in the banking industry in project management and real estate finance.

With this experience, Pavel is leading the company towards a trusted and stable institution. Its goal is to become the first choice for clients considering a secure investment in residential units. The main elements of this concept are not only offering quality investment units and guaranteed rental choice, but also comprehensive care and personal relationships with investors.
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Katalina Akimova

Office Manager

It ensures the efficient running of the agenda related to the day-to-day exercise of rights and obligations related to the ownership of flats.

It also takes care of the processing and development of an advanced operational database on the basis of which, among other things, regular payments to investors are made.

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Daniel Walter

Dan is an IT expert and CTO at LUSQ, where he is responsible for coordinating all technical matters. In recent years he has been at the start of several start-ups and has been involved in data reporting.
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Ondřej Čuba


Ondřej has extensive knowledge in project finance, corporate transactions, including joint ventures and private equity investments. He has been in finance and Real Estate for over 15 years.

He is the founder of the investment group FORCE.Capital, where he serves as the CEO. The holding company focuses on financial services, residential development and renewable energy generation. Thanks to this experience, he is responsible for the business part of the LUSQ project.

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Vojtěch Sucharda


Vojtěch has over 12 years of experience working as an attorney. He is one of the founding partners of ARROWS, a law firm which was co-founded by him in 2017. In ARROWS, Vojtěch works as an attorney-at-law and is also responsible for managing ARROWS INTERNATIONAL, an international network of law firms.

Vojtěch is also the founder of the Internet portal mylaw.cz, whose main objective is to move the law and the work of lawyers to the online environment.

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Tomáš Petřík


Tomáš brings to the project over 26 years of experience in the real estate and rental market and knowledge of economic processes. He has founded and runs several companies that deal with economic and organizational consulting.

He has also been managing his own real estate projects across the Czech Republic for over 25 years. Not only thanks to this, he can efficiently set up processes and deal with all the details within the LUSQ project.

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Jáchym Petřík

Jáchym has been practicing law since 2013. He is one of the founding partners of the law firm ARROWS, which he founded in 2017.

Jáchym is also an experienced investor and the driver of multiple successful business ventures, both through his angel investments and his startup studio RainbowJet.
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Veronika Jánská

Head of Property Management
Veronika je náš expert přes pronájem investičních nemovitostí v Ústeckém kraji s několikaletou zkušeností. Specializuje se na lokality jako je Chomutov, Jirkov, Most, Litvínov, Bílina či Kadaň. Zařídí veškerý servis, jaký pronájem nemovitosti obnáší. Od výběru ideálního nájemníka dle firemního scoringu přes monitoring veškeré údržby a oprav, jednání s nájemníky v případě jejich jakýchkoliv potřeb až po maximální výběr nájmu pro spokojenost všech stran.
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Jana Pohlová

Sales and Marketing
Jana dříve působila v call centrech, kde získala spoustu zkušeností v oblasti komunikace. Má přes 6 let znalosti v rámci B2C a B2B prodeje. Také se zabývá on-line generováním leadů a LinkedIn reklamou. Pracovala v korporátních firmách jako je PepsiCo, Dun & Bradstreet, Kofola a nyní přes 4 roky se pohybuje ve startup prostředí. Díky těmto zkušenostem zodpovídá za obchodní část projektu LUSQ.
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+420 771 135 501

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Budova SmíchOff
Plzeňská 18
Praha 5 - Smíchov

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